
Grades 1-10

In cases where departments wish to create a new post, vary the substantive grade of an existing post, or vary the duties of the post, the job description submitted with the staff request will usually be fully HERA evaluated. All grading requests must be submitted via a staff request through PeopleXD. Ten working days should be allowed for the grading of posts, although every effort is made to grade posts more quickly than this.

Where a generic job description has been used, it is not necessary to carry out a full HERA evaluation. Roles underpinned by a generic job description, and existing posts which have been evaluated using HERA, and where the duties are to remain the same, will also not routinely be graded. 

In all cases, the job description must be submitted in the latest job description template. It is the responsibility of the department to make sure that the correct version is used, to ensure that the latest information on any policies and procedures related to recruitment / employment at the University is communicated to applicants.

The staff request approver will be auto-notified by an email from PeopleXD when the post and/or planned appointment has been authorised.

Grades RSIV (D35) and ALC6 (B23)

Applications to set up a post at (or to promote an existing postholder to) grades RSIV and ALC6 are considered by the Senior Appointments Panel. Applications should be submitted via the division to the Secretary to the Senior Appointments Panel. The job description will be evaluated before the case is submitted to the panel and any queries raised with the division and/or employing department.

Staff requests should only be raised by the employing department when the division has communicated the successful outcome. The staff request approver will be auto-notified when the post and/or planned appointment has been authorised. In all cases, the job description must be submitted in the latest job description template. It is the responsibility of the department to make sure that the correct version is used, to ensure that the latest information on any policies and procedures related to recruitment / employment at the University is communicated to applicants.

Other grades

Clinical grades and Academic grades do not require HERA evaluation.