Grading Service Review

Project overview

In 2022, the Reward team worked with the Focus programme to carry out a Service Review of the HR Grading Service. This was a highly consultative process, which gathered evidence from over 130 stakeholders across the University through eight workshops, 18 interviews and 74 responses to targeted surveys.

Recommendations were made to address the range of issues identified through the 'engage' and 'diagnose' phases of the review and a high-level implementation plan agreed, with activities planned through to 2025/26.

Project workstreams

Workstreams have formed to deliver the three key recommendations arising from the review, which include:

  1. Immediate introduction of a central ‘triage’ approach to grading;
  2. A longer-term project to standardise job descriptions; and
  3. Improved training provision

Visit the workstream pages using the links in the Contents section above, for updates on each aspect of the project.

Project timeline

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  • Formal grading for the standardised job descriptions prioritised around Reward Team capacity
  • Check and test pilot phase with selected departments ahead of broader implementation
  • HR staff in divisions invited to review first tranche of standardised job descriptions, toolkit and video
  • Sign off on tranche 1 underway by Reward team
  • Web pages under development to host standardised job descriptions & resources
  • Updates delivered to Heads of Administration and Finance and Services Sub Committee
  • Standardised job descriptions designed and developed
  • Toolkit for Managers and HR staff built and tested 
  • Stakeholder engagement continues
  • System changes implemented following temporary triage service
  • Improvements made to the Staff Request and Contract Decision matrix
  • Regrading form pilot: Feedback gathered from departments and a revised regrading form and guidance notes piloted
  • Temporary triage service completed and recommendations made for system improvements
  • Recommendations and high level implementation plan published. Read here
  • Grading Service Review launches

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