On the first day
On a new starter’s first day in any post (whether the employee is new to the University, or has transferred from another department) there are a number of things that must be checked, information to be provided to the individual, and information that must be collated to ensure that everything is in order with the appointment, and to enable the individual to be set up on PeopleXD:
- ensure that right to work documentation has been seen, checked and copied
- complete payroll notifications / 'commence' the new starter in PeopleXD
- check that an email account has been set up and that the individual has the correct access to the relevant computer drive(s) and folders
- check that the current address and contact details have been recorded in PeopleXD
- check that next of kin details have been recorded in PeopleXD
- collect P45 from new starter, or ask them to complete a Starter Checklist (which can be obtained from the departmental administrator or found on the HMRC website)
- issue University card and any other departmental access cards/keys
- issue any equipment such as laptops etc and complete the Equipment Loan Form
- issue induction programme
- organise departmental/office tour
- essential health and safety
Ensure the new starter has been told in advance where, when and who to report to on first day.