Responding to notices to book ShPL

Requests for continuous and discontinuous periods of ShPL need to be responded to in different ways. 

Responding to requests for continuous leave 

All notices for a single continuous block of leave must be granted and should be confirmed in writing by the department, using the pro-forma on the right-hand side. 

The leave cannot start earlier than eight weeks from the date the original notification was submitted. 

Responding to requests for discontinuous leave 

Any requests for discontinuous leave should be carefully considered (within 14 days of receiving the notice) in light of the advantages to the employee and the University, as well as any potentially negative operational impact on the department. Every request for discontinuous leave should be considered on a case-by-case basis, and approval should not be unreasonably withheld. Departments should discuss the proposed ShPL informally with the employee before confirming a decision in writing. It is open to departments, after fair deliberation, to propose a different pattern of leave to the employee. Where agreement cannot be reached or where there are any concerns, the department should contact their HR Business Partner for advice.  

At the end of the 14-day discussion period the department should confirm any agreed arrangements in writing. If agreement has not been reached, the employee will be entitled to take the full amount of requested ShPL as one continuous block, starting on the start date given in the notice (for example, if the employee has requested three separate periods of four weeks each, they will be combined into one 12-week period of leave).  

Alternatively, the employee may: 

  • choose a new start date, which must be at least eight weeks after the original period of leave notice was given. The employee should tell the University the new start date within five days of the end of the two-week discussion period; or 

  • withdraw his/her period of leave notice within two days of the end of the two-week discussion period, in which case it will not be counted and a new notice may be submitted. 

The leave cannot start earlier than eight weeks from the date the original notification was submitted. If the employee does not choose/cannot agree on a start date then the leave will commence on the date they originally requested. 

Notifying payroll and updating PeopleXD

Copies of all the completed and signed ShPL notification forms including the maternity curtailment notice (where the mother is a University employee), notice of entitlement, notice to book leave and the payroll form need to be copied to the Payroll team. 

The Payroll team will review the forms to ensure that they are filled in accurately and fully. Once the details have been confirmed, the employing department will need to update PeopleXD accordingly, by reference to the relevant guidance.

PeopleXD guidance

For guidance on managing the PeopleXD systems changes please visit: