Family leave for academic staff

Full information about the University’s family leave and pay schemes is available from the Family leave web pages

It is essential that you read the relevant guidance relating to the type of family leave you wish to take (for example, maternity, adoption, shared parental or paternity leave) in full, in order to be clear about your eligibility and entitlements, as well as about the notifications and paperwork that will be required of you.

In addition, all academic employees should read the notes below, which are supplementary to the main guidance and specifically relate to the arrangements for academic staff only.

Any queries should be directed to the appropriate contact within the divisional office. 

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The University will normally grant maternity/adoption/shared parental and paternity leave to eligible Associate Professors where the college is the major employer (formerly CUF lecturers), concurrently with leave granted by the college. Normal practice is also to dispense these lecturers from the obligation to give any lectures which they would otherwise have given during the period of family leave.

Notification of intended family leave should be submitted in the normal way, as outlined in the general family leave guide to the relevant contact in the divisional office.

In addition, academic staff must provide full information about the implications of the leave, for example in respect of substitute university teaching required, the position of graduate students supervised, and examining commitments. Details of the position regarding concurrent leave from the college should also be supplied. Replacement teaching arrangements must be agreed by or on behalf of the divisional board, on the recommendation of the faculty board/department concerned.

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Any period of family leave does not affect an individual's eligibility to apply for sabbatical leave or dispensation from lecturing obligations. For further information see the Regulations for the granting of sabbatical leave and dispensation from prescribed duties

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Staff may, with the agreement of their department/faculty and college as appropriate, attend for work or training on up to 10 days during their maternity or adoption leave, and up to 20 days during shared parental leave, without losing their entitlement to leave and pay. Full details of KIT and SPLIT days are set out in the full family leave guidance.

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Employees returning from an extended period of family leave may be permitted, where possible, to return to full-time work on a phased basis ie return to work part-time on a temporary basis.

  1. Any such arrangement is subject to the approval of the divisional board, which will consider applications on the recommendation of the relevant faculty board/department. Exceptionally, operational requirements may mean that it is not possible to give approval, but it will not unreasonably be withheld.
  2. The arrangement is separate from any request a member of staff might make to return part-time on a permanent basis, which would be subject to local operational requirements and would be considered by the divisional board on the recommendation of the relevant faculty board/department (see below).

Applications should be made to the divisional contact and should give all relevant details (including the position on the college side).

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It is recognised that some staff may prefer to return to work on a part-time basis or to work 'non-standard' hours to fit in with, for example, school terms. The divisional board will therefore give reasonable consideration to requests for part-time working, and for variations in working hours (such as school hours or school term-time only working), although always subject to operational requirements as reflected in the recommendation the relevant faculty board/department will make on any application which is made.

Applications should be made to the divisional contact and should give all relevant details (including the position on the college side).

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Further information is available in the Family leave section of the HR Support website

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