University employees are eligible for free access to the Work+Family Space, an external, national provider of information and support for those with caring, and other family responsibilities. By registering with Work+Family Space you can access a "speak to an expert" phone service to answer questions you have about any aspect of caring, such as sourcing care for an elderly dependent, setting in place a power of attorney, or finding emergency back-up care for a dependant of any age.
Via the Work+Family Space website you can also access downloadable 'insider' guides and webinars.
Webinar library includes: |
Insider guides include: |
Caring from a distance
Resilience for carers
Caring & your career
Making decisions about care
Convalescence, rehabilitation and respite care
Power of attorney
Assistive devices
Find out more: Work+Family Space
Please note that this benefit will end in October 2024.