People Strategy project

Page updated: 13 June 2024

A People Strategy project group has been established to use data and feedback from the recent CIPD People Impact Survey, the Staff Experience Survey and HR professionals across the University to produce a new three-year People Strategy aimed to launch in Michaelmas Term as one of the pillars of the new University Strategic Plan.

Key information

The project will:

  1. Identify key themes; 
  2. Prioritise actions to address in the first 12 months; 
  3. Agree what should be included in the three year People Strategy; 
  4. Communicate progress to central and divisional HR colleagues; and 
  5. Identify and communicate with key stakeholders both centrally and divisionally. 

A paper will be delivered to People Committee and Council in Michaelmas term 2024, which will outline the final draft of the People Strategy.

Delivery on the three year People Strategy will begin in the 2024-25 academic year.

The full timeline of activity is summarised below.

Month Activity
January 2023

CIPD People Impact Tool

  • Survey undertaken to gain insight into the University’s people services and assess them against the CIPD benchmark.
  • Feedback gathered from key stakeholders across the organisation.
Spring 2023

Pay & Conditions

  • Comprehensive review of the total reward and benefits offer across all staff groups.

2023 Staff Experience Survey

  • 15,481 staff invited to provide feedback.
July 2023

Formation of the People Strategy Project Team 

  • Representatives from all Divisions come together to form the project team.
  • Terms of reference drafted.

July - September 2023

Analysis and further insights gathered

  • Staff Experience Survey and CIPD People Impact Survey results are analysed.
  • Project Team consulted and further insights gathered.
  • Draft enablers, deliverables and actions are identified.
October 2023 Draft People Strategy presented
  • An initial draft of the strategy is presented to People Committee for approval.
November 2023 - May 2024 Consultation
  • The draft strategy is shared with the following groups and committees for feedback: 
    • University HR Forum
    • College HR Forum
    • Divisional HR Briefings
    • Trade Unions
    • Collegiate University Leaders Induction Programme
    • MPLS DAMPS meeting
    • Technical staff

March - April 2024

Academic Sponsor appointed

  • Professor Diego Sánchez-Ancochea appointed Academic Sponsor

All staff invited to participate in focus groups

  • Article published in the University Bulletin inviting staff to join the People Strategy focus groups

Draft developed

  • The strategy is refined based on staff feedback and external factors.

May - June 2024

Staff consultation 
  • Focus groups held comprising staff from across the Collegiate University. 
  • Staff who were unable to attend a focus group invited to share their feedback via an online form.
  • Research groups and the Conference of Colleges consulted.
  • A report on the analysis of insights gathered in the focus groups and the online form will be completed at the end of June 2024.

The following outcomes (and corresponding deliverables) have been identified as the key themes of the People Strategy:

Outcome 1: Enabling talent to thrive 

  • We will attract and retain world-class talent
  • We will develop academic and professional services careers
  • We will develop line managers and leaders

Outcome 2: A great place to work for all

  • We will support inclusive leadership and governance
  • We are committed to maintaining our status as an employer of choice by ensuring fair and transparent reward for our employees
  • We will support our leaders, managers and staff in navigating cultural change effectively
  • We will establish a safe and supportive workplace that encourages open communication and prioritises employee wellbeing

Outcome 3: High-quality people services supporting academic delivery 

  • We will align with the Strategic Review of Professional Services to achieve better collaboration and improved delivery among the University's HR profession
  • We will champion digital transformation to make our processes more efficient and agile and provide accurate and dependable people data to enable evidence-based decision-making
  • We will prioritise building HR capability across the University

The People Strategy project team is partnering with a broad group of stakeholders across the University to deliver on its objectives. These include the following project groups, programmes and functions:

  • Academic Career and Reward Framework 
  • Automation Competency Centre
  • Digital Transformation Programme
  • Equality and Diversity Unit
  • Gender Pay Gap task and finish group 
  • Health and Safety Office
  • Pay and Conditions review
  • People and Organisational Development
  • Professional Services Review
  • Professional Services Together
  • Recruitment Team
  • Researcher Hub

Contact us

Project team: 

Jo Mason, Project Lead: