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This website is the main source of information about the University's HR policies and procedures. Here you'll find detailed information on the full employee life cycle, including recruitment procedures, employment policies (such as family leave, holiday, sickness) and ending employment, and a section dedicated to Reward.

The Templates section brings together pro-forma documentation for ease of reference.

There are also websites for:

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HR Policy Newsletter

The HR Policy Newsletter provides essential news and updates about the University’s HR policies and procedures. It is published once every academic term as well as a special edition in the summer.

Click here to join the mailing list.

Departments are encouraged to add their generic HR email address to this mailing list rather than signing up individually to ensure these essential updates are always received.

For any changes in Heads of Department, Heads of Administration and Finance, Faculty Board Chairs and Departmental Administrators, please contact the communications lead for your division who will update the relevant mailing lists.


People News

People News provides information about the broad range of services delivered by the People Department, and updates relating to the University’s People Strategy. 

People News is circulated to staff with HR responsibilities, via the 'administrators-personnel' mailing list.

Click here to join the mailing list

If you do not have HR responsibilities, but would like to receive this publication, click here to subscribe

Subject-specific newsletters

Staff are also encouraged to subscribe to our subject-specific newsletters, where relevant.

HR Systems Bulletin

The HR Systems Bulletin is a regular publication for HR staff using the University's HR systems. It provides essential information about the HR System, including its reporting tools and processes. All system users are automatically added to this mailing list.

Staff Immigration Team Bulletin

The Staff Immigration Team Bulletin is a regular update for HR colleagues involved in staff immigration matters. It is particularly geared towards staff involved in the administration of Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) and visa applications; staff who manage sponsored visa holders; and staff involved in completing right to work checks. Click here to join the mailing list.

EDI Hub Newsletter

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Hub Newsletter is distributed monthly during term time and less frequently during the vacations. It features information, resources, case studies and events. Any staff or student of the University can subscribe. Click here to join the mailing list

Safety Network Newsletter

The Safety Network Newsletter aims to keep members of the University’s Safety Network informed about developments to the Health and Safety system including policies, training, procedures and updates on the EveryDaySafe programme. Click here to join the mailing list.

The HR Policy team delivers termly briefings for HR staff in departments about policy changes and project updates.

The meetings are normally held in 4th or 5th week, and are run on MS Teams.

Additional briefings are sometimes held for specific policy changes that will have a major impact across the University (for example, Shared Parental Leave, the EJRA).

Attendance is limited to HR staff and Departmental Administrators (or equivalent) who can register via links in the termly HR newsletter.

Download the slides from the 6 February briefing

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Heads of department, departmental administrators (or equivalent) and HR staff are notified of formal changes to policy and procedure via the University Cascade. This supersedes the HR Circular (past circulars are available to download here).

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Once per term, we publish HR Updates, a summary of HR news for staff across the University. Frequently covered topics include childcare, staff benefits, training and development, staff immigration and pensions. These updates are aimed at staff in general rather than HR specialists.

Visit our Updates for Staff page to read the latest issue.

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